Andrian Lazarey

Andrian Lazarey
Alias character
Portrayed by Mark Bramhall
Gender Male
Occupation Magnific Order of Rambaldi
Russian diplomatic corps
Relatives Julian Sark (son)

Andrian Lazarey is a fictional character from the television show Alias. He was played by Mark Bramhall.

Andrian Lazarey was a Russian diplomat. He was the father of Julian Sark, a descendant of the Romanovs and a member of the Magnific Order of Rambaldi. He was first seen in a videotape in the season 3 premiere episode, the apparent victim of an assassination by Sydney Bristow. Sydney had been missing for almost two years, and the only record she had of that time was the tape.

With Lazarey's apparent death, his fortune of $800,000,000 in gold bullion passed to Sark. Sark was in CIA custody, and a shadowy organization known as The Covenant sprang him in exchange for seizing that fortune. Lauren Reed, an agent of the National Security Council and the wife of Michael Vaughn, was assigned to learn the identity of Lazarey's murderer.

As Sydney continued to search for clues to her missing two years, she deciphered a coded message that had been left in a penthouse in Rome, Italy. The message was a set of coordinates which led her and Jack to a box buried in the California desert. The box contained a severed hand marked with the Eye of Rambaldi. Tests determined that it belonged to Lazarey and the time since it was severed proved Lazarey was still alive.

In an attempt to recover her memories, Sydney submitted herself to a chemical procedure and received a number of cryptic visions. One repeating image was the name "St. Aidan" and the image of her friend Will Tippin, who was currently in the Witness Protection Program. (Conscious)

Sydney contacted Will and learned that St. Aiden was the name of one of the contacts he'd cultivated during his time as a CIA analyst. Will contacted St. Aidan, who turned out to be Lazarey. Lazarey gave him information that led them to a Rambaldi artifact, a sample of Rambaldi's DNA. Lazarey was captured by the Covenant during that meeting and tortured by Sark for the information he'd given Will and Sydney. (Remnants)

FBI Assistant Director Kendall finally filled Sydney in on her lost time. She had been captured by The Covenant and conditioned to be an assassin operating under the name Julia Thorne. Because of her Project Christmas conditioning, the Covenant was unsuccessful. Sydney operated within The Covenant as a double agent. She was tasked to find out from Lazarey the location of the Rambaldi cube containing the DNA sample and then kill him. Instead, Sydney and Lazarey faked his death and searched for the cube under the auspices of the CIA.

Together they located the cube in the Fish River Gorge in Namibia. They recovered the cube from the vault in which it was housed but Lazarey became trapped, necessitating the chopping off of his hand by Sydney to free him. Per Lazarey's agreement with the CIA, he vanished.

Sydney learned that the Covenant planned to combine the Rambaldi DNA sample with her eggs to create the "second coming" of Rambaldi. Horrified, she hid the DNA sample and had her memory wiped so that the Covenant could not use her to locate it.

The CIA undertook a mission to recover the genetic material, although Sydney decided to destroy it instead. The CIA team recovered Lazeray from Covenant custody. Lazarey was transported to a hospital and while in transit asked Sydney if she knew about "The Passenger." Before Lazarey could reveal any additional information about The Passenger, he was assassinated by Lauren, a double agent for the Covenant. (Full Disclosure)